Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cancer Reality Sucks - Catching Up - Oct 3, 2009

Wednesday, Sept 30, 2009

Today is surgery day. I had to wake up at 4am to prepare for the trip to the hospital. I was sluggish in getting ready and my driver became impatient with me. I guess I was trying to prolong the inevitable, the surgery.

I arrived at the hospital, and of course a picture had to be taken by a staffer because everyone thought I was dressed a bit relaxed. I guess people were not use to seeing me in my piggy pajama and fluorescent green Croc's with Pig Charms. I thought I'd include the picture so you could see what the fuss was about.

Arriving at the Hospital

Once I finally arrived at the hospital, I was quickly whisked away to the operating room preparatory area when I was asked to remove all my clothes (Yikes, and it was cold) and to put on a hospital gown. Again, the gowns are always Dolce & Gabanna quality. Still not sure why they insist that your rear end hangs out the back, but, who am I to argue with the designer who came up with the hospital gown.

They hooked me up to all the necessary machines, put in an IV and began feeding sedatives into the IV. It's amazing how much better one feels once they put that needle of good stuff into the IV. And, of course, there had to be a comedian along to snap a photo of me as I was beginning to feel the affects of the anesthesia. I am going to share this picture, as unflattering as it may be, just so that you can understand the journey fully.

The unflattoring picture of pre-surgery prep

Those of you who know me, and for those who do not, catching me in public not looking flawless is something that does not occur too often. I share this picture just so that hopefully it brings a laugh to someone, or allows someone else feel more comfortable about their journey.

I'm not clear as to what occurred shortly after this picture was taken. I remember them moving me from the preparatory room down a hall. I watched the lights passing above me as I lay in the bed hearing beeps and feeling totally out of control.

I quickly arrived into a very cold room, which was full of shiny stainless steel. The pushed the gurney I was laying on next to the operating table and asked me to slide over onto the table. The nurses added two boards to the sides of the operating table and asked me to stretch my arms out onto the boards. After already having some anesthesia, I was feeling a bit humorous, so I asked the nurses if they needed some spikes, I felt as if I was being nailed to the cross.

The anesthesiologist walked over to the table and said, Good Night Mr. Nelson, as he slowly injected a syringe containing something that knocked me out instantly.

Next post will be the continuations of the story, "Cancer Reality Sucks - After the Surgery"

You can follow me on twitter @danelson239 or @CancerReality, on Facebook at and on My Space at

Untill my next post, remember my favorite quote:

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