Saturday, October 24, 2009

Darkness.... No light!

It's been awhile since I have made an entry in my blog. The sadness and darkness have taken over my life and sadness has set it. I find that it's harder to wake up and to face the day. When will it end? How can this be my life? Where did I go wrong? What did I do to be in this place, so dark, so lonely, so scarey....

I work hard to "Be the Change" and to encourage the change, but how can I do that when I am not feeling like there is a future for me... the end is near. How do I make it come sooner than later.

Noone know's my pain, or the sadness I feel. I'm alone walking through the motions of a life that feels like it is not mine. How did I get here, how do I get out of here... ?

I leave you with one last thought. It's up to you to "Be the Change". If everyone did one kind deed each day, the world would begin to the the "Change" which is so despearately needed.

For now, I leave you, not sure if this will be my last entry or if I will have the strength to continue... Happiness and Hope has seem to been lost.

I ask one favor of all of those who read this... Work toward "Being the Change". If each person passes this on and works toward "Change" the world will become the place we need it to be....

xoxo Douglas

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