Friday, October 9, 2009

"Cancer Reality Sucks - Hospital Stay"

As I laid in the recovery room waiting for the MRI results I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

A few minutes later the neurologist came over to my bed and said that they did not see anything on the MRI that could explain the numbness and lack of mobility of my arm. So instead of me going home, they decided to admit me to the hospital so that they could monitor my arm and see if I started to gain use of my left arm.

I immediately called the nurse over and said, “HEY, I am being admitted, think you could bring me a CUP of ice chips, a CUP of water, or anything to drink?” She gave me an odd look and replied, “okay”.

It only took about half an hour for them to get me admitted to the hospital and up to a room. I was able to settle in quickly and get another pain pill to ease the pain.

I decided to make my own makeshift stress ball to work on my left arm and try to regain some feeling back. I took a rubber glove and stuffed a washcloth inside.

I began squeezing it as much as I could to try to get the feeling and mobility back in the arm. As I worked at it, I was beginning to regain feeling in my upper arm and was able to grip the makeshift stress ball. I kept at it for hours, knowing that I was not going to stay in the hospital more than one night…

I got no lunch because I missed the lunch delivery, and for some reason, no dinner was ordered for me. Thankfully, my mother was on hand to run and fetch me something to eat.

The rest of the night was uneventful; the highlight of the night was watching the clock for the four hours to pass till the next pill would come for the pain.

I went to sleep early in a hope to get the day over so that tomorrow would come and I could go home. The next morning the neurologist came in and they did some testing of my reflexes on my arm. I had improved some, but only about 50%. They did however decide to discharge me with a follow-up in a week.

I was elated to hear those words, but unfortunately, since the surgeon was the admitting doctor, I had to wait for him to come in to discharge me. I made several calls to his office as well as did the nurse to help expedite my discharge.

At 2pm, the surgeon came in and said that he would fill out the discharge paperwork. I was extremely excited to hear those words. I think I was packed up in about 5 minutes and ready to leave.

I left the hospital quickly and returned home to rest…

Until next time, thanks for following along... Thanks for the support! I hope you are enjoying reading my journey and it has made your day a little bit brighter.

You can follow me on twitter @danelson239 or @CancerReality,
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xoxo Douglas


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