Monday, September 28, 2009

Cancer Reality - Sept 28, 2009

Hello My Friends,

Today was a difficult day. Monday’s are always full of conference calls for me and getting through the day being on the phone all-day and sitting in one place is often difficult. I try stay sane by checking my Tweets.

Tomorrow I go for a sonogram in the morning. They will be marking the exact location of the lymph node under my left arm, which will be removed on Wednesday during an out patient surgery.

The lymph node that will be removed will then be sent for a biopsy to determine the type of cancer. Hopefully it will be an easily treated cancer and will not require too much chemotherapy.

As I have been discussing, I am working on trying to get some musical artist to donate the use of a song to put together a benefit CD. The title of the CD will be ‘Cancer Reality Sucks’. The proceeds from the sale of the CD would benefit those who are unable to afford the high cost of Chemotherapy and other treatments for Cancer.

The idea came to me as I sat in the waiting room of my oncologist. There was a young woman in her early thirties and her husband sitting in the waiting room crying. I had a box of tissues sitting next to me, so I got up and handed the box to them and asked if they were okay.

I quickly learned that the tears were due to the fact that the young lady had lymphoma and had no insurance. The Cancer Treatment Center was requiring them to pay for the treatments in advance as most doctors do now to ensure they are paid. They had to make a decision, do they pay the mortgage payment and keep the place they live, or do they use that money to pay for the treatment, which would keep her alive. At that point, I needed the box of tissues.

I took my seat again and could not get them out of my mind. How do we allow someone to have to make a choice of a place to live versus life?

I got out of my seat and went into the financial office of the Cancer Treatment Center and had a brief conversation with the person in charge. After my conversation, the family was called back into the office where they learned that they would be able to receive the treatments without payment.

At this point, I realized that I needed to do something. A very wise man once said, “ You must be the change you want to see in the world.” that wise man was Gandhi.

The next day I made some calls to the Lymphoma Society where I quickly learned that the funds to assist Cancer patients had been already depleted for the year and there was no more help available.

Again, this is where I realized that I needed to heed the advise of Gandhi and LEAD THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. So despite my own battle with Cancer, I am going to put forth the effort to possibly make someone else's journey a little better.

I now ask that you share this message with everyone you know. I will continue to pursue the music industry in getting some songs donated to put together a benefit CD.

I am also working on a clothing line called “Cancer Reality”. More to come in future posts.

I hope to utilize this blog to share my journey through my second round of cancer as well as share information that I learn on treatment, prevention, and ways to help.

Please spread the word and help be part of the change I want to see in the world.

I am working on a logo for the site. I will post in a couple of days several logo’s and would love to get your opinion on which one is the best.

Until the next time… Be the Change – Work toward the Change – Pass forward the Change…

Xoxo Douglas

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