Thursday, September 24, 2009

August 18,2009

It's been a few days since I have been able to make an entry. On Thursday morning, Sept 17th, I woke up with a fever and a rash covering my body. I debated for a few hours as to whether or not I should go to the emergency room or just wait and see. Well when the temperature hit 102.9, I made the decision that the hospital was probably the best bet. So I packed a few things and off to the emergency room I went, parents in toe.

I arrived at the emergency room and the woman at the entrance was a bit rude, as if I should have been surprised. She tossed a mask at me and told me to put on the mask. My mother started to explain the situation for me because I was feeling ill and needed to sit down.

I waited about an hour before they called me into the back so that they could examine me. I was there for a high fever and an unexplained rash, I'm not sure that I was speaking English because it took a good 6 hours for them to finally take a look at the rash. The nurse who put in the IV butchered me while trying to put the IV in. I am not sure if she was brand-new or just an idiot, but I could have done a better job. I have a 3/4" main vein in my right arm that would be a drug users dream vein. How she kept missing it is beyond me.

They ran some blood work, took a chest x-ray (not sure what that had to do with the fever or the rash, but hey, who was I to argue, our health care system at work) and then did an abdominal scan. Boy do I love the taste of the contrast that they have you drink.

Finally at 11:30pm the nurse came in and said that they did not have any answers to what was causing the fever or the rash, so they were going to admit me into the hospital.

At 1:45am, I was finally moved from the ER to a private room. At this point, I was exhausted, poked, prodded, and touched by more hands than I really desired. Sleep was all I was looking for....

to be continued....

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